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2022-02-01 11:45:47 -05:00
import paho.mqtt.client as paho
import paho.mqtt.publish as pahopub
#from simplecrypt import encrypt, decrypt
import base64
from ctypes import *
import _ctypes
from textwrap import wrap
import time
import csv
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_OAEP as Cipher
# Konfigurasi MQTT server
broker = "nnag.xyz"
client = paho.Client()
port = 1883
def u_encrypt(arg):
so_file = 'EES401/URG_encrypt.so'
u_enc = CDLL(so_file)
u_enc.main.restype = c_double
u_enc.main.argtype = c_char_p
str_temp = "07"
c_return = u_enc.main(arg.encode('utf-8'), str_temp.encode('utf-8'))
print("Python Log, C Return : ", c_return)
# time.sleep(0.01)
return c_return
def rsa_encrypt(plain):
rsa3072 = open("RSA7680_pub.pem", "r").read()
rsa_pub = RSA.importKey(rsa3072)
rsa_pub = Cipher.new(rsa_pub)
RSA_enc = rsa_pub.encrypt(plain.encode('utf8'))
# RSA_enc = rsa_pub.encrypt(plain)
#RSA_enc = rsa_pub.encrypt(plain.encode('utf8'), 32)
cipher = RSA_enc
# cipher = str(cipher).encode('utf-8')
# rsa_file_handler(base_name_RSA3, i, cipher)
print("RSA Encryption Time : ", end)
print("Cipher ", cipher)
print("Length ", len(cipher))
print(" ")
return end, cipher
def file_handler(f_name, num):
# num = str(num).zfill(2)
# f = open("./cipher/"+f_name+"_"+num+".dat", "rb")
f = open("/tmp/cipher_07.dat", "rb")
ret = f.read()
return ret
# def rsa_file_handler(f_name, num, cipher):
# num = str(num).zfill(2)
# f = open("./cipher/"+f_name+"_"+num+".dat", "wb")
# f.write(cipher)
#Proses enkripsi
def payload_process(plain):
dec_time = u_encrypt(plain)
# cipher = u_encrypt(plain)
# time.sleep(0.05)
cipher = file_handler("cipher_EES401", 7)
# print("Cipher Length : ", len(plain))
send_data = base64.b64encode(cipher)
return send_data, dec_time
def payload_RSA(plain):
dec_time, cipher = rsa_encrypt(plain)
# cipher = u_encrypt(plain)
# time.sleep(0.05)
# cipher = rsa_file_handler("cipher_EES401", 7)
# print("Cipher Length : ", len(plain))
send_data = base64.b64encode(cipher)
return send_data, dec_time
def plain_handler(f_name, num):
num = str(num).zfill(2)
f = open("./plain/"+f_name+"_"+num+".txt", "r")
return f.read()
# Add this to test the Blacklist feature
# blacklist_trigger = base64.b64encode(b"I'm gonna make this program crash!"*10)
# cipher_arr.append(blacklist_trigger)
# msg_data = blacklist_trigger
# ======================== || START FROM HERE BUDDY || ==================
def main(msg):
# plain = input("Enter The Message : ")
plain = msg
plain_ori = plain
# plain = plain_handler("plain", i)
i = 0
my_ip = "device01"
identifier = "&"
f_name = "cipher_EES401"
plain_arr = []
cipher_arr = []
# plain = input("Enter plain : ")
# plain = "This message is longer than 4 char"
x = 16 - (len(plain)%16)
plain = plain+(" "*x)
plain_arr = wrap(plain, 16, replace_whitespace=False, drop_whitespace=False)
# print("Join List Test ", ''.join(plain_arr))
# client.tls_set()
# client.username_pw_set(username="aaa", password="pass")
status = client.connect(broker,port)
print("Connection status, ", status)
# input()
# plain_now = plain_arr[1]
time_tmp = []
for i in range(len(plain_arr)):
# print(" ")
# print("===== [ Sequence "+str(i)+" ] "+"======================================================")
# data_now, dec_time = payload_process(plain_arr[i])
data_now, dec_time = payload_RSA(plain_arr[i])
dec_acc = sum(map(float, time_tmp))
xxx = (base64.b64decode(cipher_arr[0]))
msg_data = b''.join(cipher_arr)
# send_data = my_ip+identifier+msg_data.decode('ascii')
send_data = msg_data.decode('ascii')
# print("Python LOG Plain : ", plain)
# print(" ")
# print("===== Result ======================================================")
# print("Python LOG Plain Length : ", len(plain_ori))
# print("Python LOG Plain with Padding Length : ", len(plain))
# print("Sending Cipher with length : ", len(send_data))
# print("Python LOG Plain Array : ", plain_arr)
# print("Python LOG Cipher Length : ", len(send_data))
# client.publish("device01/msg", "XXXXX")
# client.connect("nnag.xyz", 1883)
# pahopub.single("device01/msg", "xxxx")
client.publish("device01/msg", msg_data)
return dec_acc
# test_str = "Test String"
# client.publish("device01/msg", base64.b64encode(test_str.encode("utf-8")) )