Installation Instructions ========================= If you downloaded a release tarball just run $ ./configure && make check Ensure that all of the tests completed successfully and install by running $ make install Usually on a fresh installed linux there will be missing packages during some of those steps. The program will detect which packages are missing. And you can use the this command to install missing packages: $ apt-get install XX (to install a package named XX) Now you have libntruencrypt library correctly installed in your system. Then you will need to map the shared library name to the location of the corresponding shared library file using $ ldconfig You can call this library at compiling with a flag -lntruencrypt. For example if you need to run this [sample code]( Assuming you installed libntruencrypt in the default path, you can check if you have everything installed correctly by $ gcc sample_NTRUEncrypt.c -lntruencrypt -I /usr/local/include/libntruencrypt/ --------------------- If you got the source from git, run $ ./ to finish setting up the autotools environment, then follow the instructions above. Alternatively you can use use pristine-tar to extract a release tarball from the repository. You can also see a list of releases by running: $ pristine-tar list and can generate a release tarball with, e.g. $ pristine-tar checkout libntruencrypt0_1.0.0.orig.tar.gz Optional Features ================= Configure options: --enable-simd Build libntruencrypt with fast polynomial multiplication routines. Requires a processor with SSSE3 instructions. --enable-coverage Link against libgcov and compile with the -coverage flag. Requires CC=gcc, and lcov. Coverage results can subsequently be gathered and analyzed by running: $ make coverage-html --disable-silent-rules Verbose output during compilation.