# Infidel's personal config for CLI based workspaces [![Maintenance](https://img.shields.io/badge/Maintained%3F-yes-green.svg)](https://GitHub.com/Naereen/StrapDown.js/graphs/commit-activity) ## General Info This is the essential VIM and Tmux configuration for cli based unix systems. ## Clone ```bash git clone https://git.nnag.me/infidel/infidel_env.git ``` ## Setup ``` bash ./install.sh -u user ``` ## VIM > This installation script now can execute `:PlugUpdate` on first setup. ### Global - Leader remmaped to `,` - Enabled more visual blocks with J and K - Auto tabbed lines from normal mode using `>` ### NerdTree Toggle NerdTree with . T ### EasyAlign Perform multiline visual select then enter `ga`. Next enter your preference alignment. ### Goyo Toggle Goyo from command input mode `:Goyo` or use the shortcut. ### Limelight Toggle Limelight from command input mode `:Limelight` or use the shortcut. ### Autocomplete : CoC CoC now can use tab to navigate completion list. Make sure the target machine have nodejs for CoC to run properly. ### Airline I use airline as status bar **CoC Extensions included** : - `coc-vimlsp` for VIM script - `coc-pyright` for Python - `coc-sh` for SH scripts - `coc-spell-checker` : General spell checker in EN ### Autocomplete : Completor > Completor is not good for servers, as it requires vim version with python support. #### vimbox-draw Create ASCII diagrams : - Visual select some box - invoke `+o` to create box or `+O` to create box with label - To add label into existing box, visual select the area then invoke `+c` ## Future Improvement - [x] Script automatically detect the environment (e.g. BSD) - [x] Symlink instead of copy. - [x] Deploy a scalable and portable environment. - [ ] ~~Support Oh-My-Zsh installation~~ - [ ] Diagnostic Feature `-c` or `--check`