# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import shlex import sys import uuid import hashlib import collections import subprocess import logging import io import json import secrets import string import inspect from html import escape from functools import wraps from typing import Union from dash.types import RendererHooks logger = logging.getLogger() def to_json(value): # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from plotly.io.json import to_json_plotly return to_json_plotly(value) def interpolate_str(template, **data): s = template for k, v in data.items(): key = "{%" + k + "%}" s = s.replace(key, v) return s def format_tag( tag_name, attributes, inner="", closed=False, opened=False, sanitize=False ): attributes = " ".join( [f'{k}="{escape(v) if sanitize else v}"' for k, v in attributes.items()] ) tag = f"<{tag_name} {attributes}" if closed: tag += "/>" elif opened: tag += ">" else: tag += ">" + inner + f"" return tag def generate_hash(): return str(uuid.uuid4().hex).strip("-") # pylint: disable=no-member def patch_collections_abc(member): return getattr(collections.abc, member) class AttributeDict(dict): """Dictionary subclass enabling attribute lookup/assignment of keys/values. For example:: >>> m = AttributeDict({'foo': 'bar'}) >>> m.foo 'bar' >>> m.foo = 'not bar' >>> m['foo'] 'not bar' ``AttributeDict`` objects also provide ``.first()`` which acts like ``.get()`` but accepts multiple keys as arguments, and returns the value of the first hit, e.g.:: >>> m = AttributeDict({'foo': 'bar', 'biz': 'baz'}) >>> m.first('wrong', 'incorrect', 'foo', 'biz') 'bar' """ def __setattr__(self, key, value): self[key] = value def __getattr__(self, key): try: return self[key] except KeyError: pass # to conform with __getattr__ spec # but get out of the except block so it doesn't look like a nested err raise AttributeError(key) def set_read_only(self, names, msg="Attribute is read-only"): """ Designate named attributes as read-only with the corresponding msg Method is additive. Making additional calls to this method will update existing messages and add to the current set of _read_only names. """ new_read_only = {name: msg for name in names} if getattr(self, "_read_only", False): self._read_only.update(new_read_only) else: object.__setattr__(self, "_read_only", new_read_only) def finalize(self, msg="Object is final: No new keys may be added."): """Prevent any new keys being set.""" object.__setattr__(self, "_final", msg) def __setitem__(self, key, val): if key in self.__dict__.get("_read_only", {}): raise AttributeError(self._read_only[key], key) final_msg = self.__dict__.get("_final") if final_msg and key not in self: raise AttributeError(final_msg, key) return super().__setitem__(key, val) def update(self, other): # Overrides dict.update() to use __setitem__ above for k, v in other.items(): self[k] = v # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements def first(self, *names): for name in names: value = self.get(name) if value: return value if not names: return next(iter(self), {}) def create_callback_id(output, inputs): # A single dot within a dict id key or value is OK # but in case of multiple dots together escape each dot # with `\` so we don't mistake it for multi-outputs hashed_inputs = None def _concat(x): nonlocal hashed_inputs _id = x.component_id_str().replace(".", "\\.") + "." + x.component_property if x.allow_duplicate: if not hashed_inputs: hashed_inputs = hashlib.md5( ".".join(str(x) for x in inputs).encode("utf-8") ).hexdigest() # Actually adds on the property part. _id += f"@{hashed_inputs}" return _id if isinstance(output, (list, tuple)): return ".." + "...".join(_concat(x) for x in output) + ".." return _concat(output) # inverse of create_callback_id - should only be relevant if an old renderer is # hooked up to a new back end, which will only happen in special cases like # embedded def split_callback_id(callback_id): if callback_id.startswith(".."): return [split_callback_id(oi) for oi in callback_id[2:-2].split("...")] id_, prop = callback_id.rsplit(".", 1) return {"id": id_, "property": prop} def stringify_id(id_): if isinstance(id_, dict): return json.dumps(id_, sort_keys=True, separators=(",", ":")) return id_ def inputs_to_dict(inputs_list): inputs = AttributeDict() for i in inputs_list: inputsi = i if isinstance(i, list) else [i] for ii in inputsi: id_str = stringify_id(ii["id"]) inputs[f'{id_str}.{ii["property"]}'] = ii.get("value") return inputs def convert_to_AttributeDict(nested_list): new_dict = [] for i in nested_list: if isinstance(i, dict): new_dict.append(AttributeDict(i)) else: new_dict.append([AttributeDict(ii) for ii in i]) return new_dict def inputs_to_vals(inputs): return [ [ii.get("value") for ii in i] if isinstance(i, list) else i.get("value") for i in inputs ] def run_command_with_process(cmd): is_win = sys.platform == "win32" with subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd, posix=is_win), shell=is_win) as proc: proc.wait() if proc.poll() is None: logger.warning("🚨 trying to terminate subprocess in safe way") try: proc.communicate() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except logger.exception("🚨 first try communicate failed") proc.kill() proc.communicate() def compute_md5(path): with io.open(path, encoding="utf-8") as fp: return hashlib.md5(fp.read().encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() def job(msg=""): def wrapper(func): @wraps(func) def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): logger.info("🏗️ [%s] 🏗️️ - %s", func.__name__, msg) res = func(*args, **kwargs) logger.info("::: 🍻🍻🍻 [%s] job done 🍻🍻🍻 :::", func.__name__) return res return _wrapper return wrapper def gen_salt(chars): return "".join( secrets.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(chars) ) class OrderedSet(collections.abc.MutableSet): def __init__(self, *args): self._data = [] for i in args: self.add(i) def add(self, value): if value not in self._data: self._data.append(value) def discard(self, value): self._data.remove(value) def __contains__(self, x): return x in self._data def __len__(self): return len(self._data) def __iter__(self): for i in self._data: yield i def coerce_to_list(obj): if not isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): return [obj] return obj def clean_property_name(name: str): return name.split("@")[0] def hooks_to_js_object(hooks: Union[RendererHooks, None]) -> str: if hooks is None: return "" hook_str = ",".join(f"{key}: {val}" for key, val in hooks.items()) return f"{{{hook_str}}}" def parse_version(version): return tuple(int(s) for s in version.split(".")) def get_caller_name(name: str): stack = inspect.stack() for s in stack: for code in s.code_context: if f"{name}(" in code: return s.frame.f_locals.get("__name__", "__main__") return "__main__"