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from collections.abc import MutableSequence
import re
from textwrap import dedent
from keyword import iskeyword
import flask
from ._grouping import grouping_len, map_grouping
from .development.base_component import Component
from . import exceptions
from ._utils import (
def validate_callback(outputs, inputs, state, extra_args, types):
Input, Output, State = types
if extra_args:
if not isinstance(extra_args[0], (Output, Input, State)):
raise exceptions.IncorrectTypeException(
Callback arguments must be `Output`, `Input`, or `State` objects,
optionally wrapped in a list or tuple. We found (possibly after
unwrapping a list or tuple):
raise exceptions.IncorrectTypeException(
In a callback definition, you must provide all Outputs first,
then all Inputs, then all States. After this item:
{(outputs + inputs + state)[-1]!r}
we found this item next:
for args in [outputs, inputs, state]:
for arg in args:
def validate_callback_arg(arg):
if not isinstance(getattr(arg, "component_property", None), str):
raise exceptions.IncorrectTypeException(
component_property must be a string, found {arg.component_property!r}
if hasattr(arg, "component_event"):
raise exceptions.NonExistentEventException(
Events have been removed.
Use the associated property instead.
if isinstance(arg.component_id, dict):
elif isinstance(arg.component_id, str):
raise exceptions.IncorrectTypeException(
component_id must be a string or dict, found {arg.component_id!r}
def validate_id_dict(arg):
arg_id = arg.component_id
for k in arg_id:
# Need to keep key type validation on the Python side, since
# non-string keys will be converted to strings in json.dumps and may
# cause unwanted collisions
if not isinstance(k, str):
raise exceptions.IncorrectTypeException(
Wildcard ID keys must be non-empty strings,
found {k!r} in id {arg_id!r}
def validate_id_string(arg):
arg_id = arg.component_id
invalid_chars = ".{"
invalid_found = [x for x in invalid_chars if x in arg_id]
if invalid_found:
raise exceptions.InvalidComponentIdError(
The element `{arg_id}` contains `{"`, `".join(invalid_found)}` in its ID.
Characters `{"`, `".join(invalid_chars)}` are not allowed in IDs.
def validate_output_spec(output, output_spec, Output):
This validation is for security and internal debugging, not for users,
so the messages are not intended to be clear.
`output` comes from the callback definition, `output_spec` from the request.
if not isinstance(output, (list, tuple)):
output, output_spec = [output], [output_spec]
elif len(output) != len(output_spec):
raise exceptions.CallbackException("Wrong length output_spec")
for outi, speci in zip(output, output_spec):
speci_list = speci if isinstance(speci, (list, tuple)) else [speci]
for specij in speci_list:
if (
not Output(specij["id"], clean_property_name(specij["property"]))
== outi
raise exceptions.CallbackException(
"Output does not match callback definition"
def validate_and_group_input_args(flat_args, arg_index_grouping):
if grouping_len(arg_index_grouping) != len(flat_args):
raise exceptions.CallbackException("Inputs do not match callback definition")
args_grouping = map_grouping(lambda ind: flat_args[ind], arg_index_grouping)
if isinstance(arg_index_grouping, dict):
func_args = []
func_kwargs = args_grouping
for key in func_kwargs:
if not key.isidentifier():
raise exceptions.CallbackException(
f"{key} is not a valid Python variable name"
elif isinstance(arg_index_grouping, (tuple, list)):
func_args = list(args_grouping)
func_kwargs = {}
# Scalar input
func_args = [args_grouping]
func_kwargs = {}
return func_args, func_kwargs
def validate_multi_return(output_lists, output_values, callback_id):
if not isinstance(output_values, (list, tuple)):
raise exceptions.InvalidCallbackReturnValue(
The callback {callback_id} is a multi-output.
Expected the output type to be a list or tuple but got:
if len(output_values) != len(output_lists):
raise exceptions.InvalidCallbackReturnValue(
Invalid number of output values for {callback_id}.
Expected {len(output_lists)}, got {len(output_values)}
for i, output_spec in enumerate(output_lists):
if isinstance(output_spec, list):
output_value = output_values[i]
if not isinstance(output_value, (list, tuple)):
raise exceptions.InvalidCallbackReturnValue(
The callback {callback_id} output {i} is a wildcard multi-output.
Expected the output type to be a list or tuple but got:
output spec: {output_spec!r}
if len(output_value) != len(output_spec):
raise exceptions.InvalidCallbackReturnValue(
Invalid number of output values for {callback_id} item {i}.
Expected {len(output_spec)}, got {len(output_value)}
output spec: {output_spec!r}
output value: {output_value!r}
def fail_callback_output(output_value, output):
valid_children = (str, int, float, type(None), Component)
valid_props = (str, int, float, type(None), tuple, MutableSequence)
def _raise_invalid(bad_val, outer_val, path, index=None, toplevel=False):
bad_type = type(bad_val).__name__
outer_id = f"(id={outer_val.id:s})" if getattr(outer_val, "id", False) else ""
outer_type = type(outer_val).__name__
if toplevel:
location = dedent(
The value in question is either the only value returned,
or is in the top level of the returned list,
index_string = "[*]" if index is None else f"[{index:d}]"
location = dedent(
The value in question is located at
{index_string} {outer_type} {outer_id}
obj = "tree with one value" if not toplevel else "value"
raise exceptions.InvalidCallbackReturnValue(
The callback for `{output!r}`
returned a {obj:s} having type `{bad_type}`
which is not JSON serializable.
and has string representation
In general, Dash properties can only be
dash components, strings, dictionaries, numbers, None,
or lists of those.
def _valid_child(val):
return isinstance(val, valid_children)
def _valid_prop(val):
return isinstance(val, valid_props)
def _can_serialize(val):
if not (_valid_child(val) or _valid_prop(val)):
return False
except TypeError:
return False
return True
def _validate_value(val, index=None):
# val is a Component
if isinstance(val, Component):
unserializable_items = []
# pylint: disable=protected-access
for p, j in val._traverse_with_paths():
# check each component value in the tree
if not _valid_child(j):
_raise_invalid(bad_val=j, outer_val=val, path=p, index=index)
if not _can_serialize(j):
# collect unserializable items separately, so we can report
# only the deepest level, not all the parent components that
# are just unserializable because of their children.
unserializable_items = [
i for i in unserializable_items if not p.startswith(i[0])
if unserializable_items:
# we already have something unserializable in a different
# branch - time to stop and fail
if all(not i[0].startswith(p) for i in unserializable_items):
unserializable_items.append((p, j))
# Children that are not of type Component or
# list/tuple not returned by traverse
child = getattr(j, "children", None)
if not isinstance(child, (tuple, MutableSequence)):
if child and not _can_serialize(child):
path=p + "\n" + "[*] " + type(child).__name__,
if unserializable_items:
p, j = unserializable_items[0]
# just report the first one, even if there are multiple,
# as that's how all the other errors work
_raise_invalid(bad_val=j, outer_val=val, path=p, index=index)
# Also check the child of val, as it will not be returned
child = getattr(val, "children", None)
if not isinstance(child, (tuple, MutableSequence)):
if child and not _can_serialize(val):
if not _can_serialize(val):
if isinstance(output_value, list):
for i, val in enumerate(output_value):
_validate_value(val, index=i)
# if we got this far, raise a generic JSON error
raise exceptions.InvalidCallbackReturnValue(
The callback for output `{output!r}`
returned a value which is not JSON serializable.
In general, Dash properties can only be dash components, strings,
dictionaries, numbers, None, or lists of those.
def check_obsolete(kwargs):
for key in kwargs:
if key in ["components_cache_max_age", "static_folder"]:
raise exceptions.ObsoleteKwargException(
{key} is no longer a valid keyword argument in Dash since v1.0.
See https://dash.plotly.com for details.
# any other kwarg mimic the built-in exception
raise TypeError(f"Dash() got an unexpected keyword argument '{key}'")
def validate_js_path(registered_paths, package_name, path_in_package_dist):
if package_name not in registered_paths:
raise exceptions.DependencyException(
Error loading dependency. "{package_name}" is not a registered library.
Registered libraries are:
if path_in_package_dist not in registered_paths[package_name]:
raise exceptions.DependencyException(
"{package_name}" is registered but the path requested is not valid.
The path requested: "{path_in_package_dist}"
List of registered paths: {registered_paths}
def validate_index(name, checks, index):
missing = [i for check, i in checks if not re.compile(check).search(index)]
if missing:
plural = "s" if len(missing) > 1 else ""
raise exceptions.InvalidIndexException(
f"Missing item{plural} {', '.join(missing)} in {name}."
def validate_layout_type(value):
if not isinstance(value, (Component, patch_collections_abc("Callable"))):
raise exceptions.NoLayoutException(
"Layout must be a dash component "
"or a function that returns a dash component."
def validate_layout(layout, layout_value):
if layout is None:
raise exceptions.NoLayoutException(
The layout was `None` at the time that `run_server` was called.
Make sure to set the `layout` attribute of your application
before running the server.
layout_id = stringify_id(getattr(layout_value, "id", None))
component_ids = {layout_id} if layout_id else set()
for component in layout_value._traverse(): # pylint: disable=protected-access
component_id = stringify_id(getattr(component, "id", None))
if component_id and component_id in component_ids:
raise exceptions.DuplicateIdError(
Duplicate component id found in the initial layout: `{component_id}`
def validate_template(template):
variable_names = re.findall("<(.*?)>", template)
for name in variable_names:
if not name.isidentifier() or iskeyword(name):
raise Exception(
f'`{name}` is not a valid Python variable name in `path_template`: "{template}".'
def check_for_duplicate_pathnames(registry):
path_to_module = {}
for page in registry.values():
if page["path"] not in path_to_module:
path_to_module[page["path"]] = [page["module"]]
for modules in path_to_module.values():
if len(modules) > 1:
raise Exception(f"modules {modules} have duplicate paths")
def validate_registry(registry):
for page in registry.values():
if "layout" not in page:
raise exceptions.NoLayoutException(
f"No layout in module `{page['module']}` in dash.page_registry"
if page["module"] == "__main__":
raise Exception(
When registering pages from app.py, `__name__` is not a valid module name. Use a string instead.
For example, `dash.register_page("my_module_name")`, rather than `dash.register_page(__name__)`
def validate_pages_layout(module, page):
if not hasattr(page, "layout"):
raise exceptions.NoLayoutException(
No layout found in module {module}
A variable or a function named "layout" is required.
def validate_use_pages(config):
if not config.get("assets_folder", None):
raise exceptions.PageError(
"`dash.register_page()` must be called after app instantiation"
if flask.has_request_context():
raise exceptions.PageError(
dash.register_page() cant be called within a callback as it updates dash.page_registry, which is a global variable.
For more details, see https://dash.plotly.com/sharing-data-between-callbacks#why-global-variables-will-break-your-app
def validate_module_name(module):
if not isinstance(module, str):
raise exceptions.PageError(
"The first attribute of dash.register_page() must be a string or '__name__'"
return module
def validate_long_callbacks(callback_map):
# Validate that long callback side output & inputs are not circular
# If circular, triggering a long callback would result in a fatal server/computer crash.
all_outputs = set()
input_indexed = {}
for callback in callback_map.values():
out = coerce_to_list(callback["output"])
for o in out:
input_indexed.setdefault(o, set())
for callback in (x for x in callback_map.values() if x.get("long")):
long_info = callback["long"]
progress = long_info.get("progress", [])
running = long_info.get("running", [])
long_inputs = coerce_to_list(callback["raw_inputs"])
outputs = set([x[0] for x in running] + progress)
circular = [
for x in set(k for k, v in input_indexed.items() if v.intersection(outputs))
if x in long_inputs
if circular:
raise exceptions.LongCallbackError(
f"Long callback circular error!\n{circular} is used as input for a long callback"
f" but also used as output from an input that is updated with progress or running argument."
def validate_duplicate_output(
output, prevent_initial_call, config_prevent_initial_call
if "initial_duplicate" in (prevent_initial_call, config_prevent_initial_call):
def _valid(out):
if (
and not prevent_initial_call
and not config_prevent_initial_call
raise exceptions.DuplicateCallback(
"allow_duplicate requires prevent_initial_call to be True. The order of the call is not"
" guaranteed to be the same on every page load. "
"To enable duplicate callback with initial call, set prevent_initial_call='initial_duplicate' "
" or globally in the config prevent_initial_callbacks='initial_duplicate'"
if isinstance(output, (list, tuple)):
for o in output: